[German] KRAMS – Skizze eines Fertigkeitssystems
Just some quick notes on a possible skill mechanic. In German.
Just some quick notes on a possible skill mechanic. In German.
The Artillerist’s Abacus – a magical item for D&D Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This appears to be a simple, sturdy if well-worn abacus. An attuned user gains advantage on […]
Day 2 of the long hinted at political side story of our ongoing Unknown Armies/Gundam campaign. In German.
A small contribution to an ongoing German discussion about the use of ads on RPG blogs. In German.
Skycutter Operated by both the Red Fleet and the Kommissariat Border Troops, skycutters are small skyships intended mainly for patrol missions. In addition to the installed armament, which allows them […]
“RPGs in everyday life” – not an everyday topic, as far as our archives are concerned. Results in German, as usual.
Do young female gargoyles call themselves gargirls or girlgoyles?
Quick notes on a setting idea: All creatures contain an identical amount of evil. As smaller creatures have less volume, the evil in them has a higher concentration. Barely more […]
As illustrated in yesterday’s two examples, equipment options for “healer”-type characters can be extremely limited compared to the plethora of choices offered to “fighters”. That means fewer opportunities to engage […]
Symptomatic: Number of polearms with picture, stats and description: 11 Number of items for healers with picture, stats and description: 1 Ammunition types for assault rifles: Eight different types for […]