01010-11111/11111 – programs for SLA Industries
Day 11111 JX JX is the name attached to a rumoured RO program which kills its users. Stories and theories abound about how such a thing is possible, some of […]
Day 11111 JX JX is the name attached to a rumoured RO program which kills its users. Stories and theories abound about how such a thing is possible, some of […]
Day 11110 Halls of Plenty HoP offers a full logistics, inventory management and mission load planning package built around a multi-tiered budgeting function including integrated financial risk management solutions. HoP […]
Day 11101 Scatter 4w8 Scatter 4w8 is a powerful data erasure tool developed by imh. An investigation by operatives employed by Cloak Division into possible subversion related to the development […]
Day 11100 Caleidoscope VFM The Caleidoscope visual field manager is rightfully acclaimed as the leading product in its class, offering extremely quick, fully reactive and totally inobstrusive live rearrangement […]
Day 11011 emTrans One of the greatest challenges to working in multi-species teams and with people from across a wide range of planetary and corporate backgrounds lies in non-verbal communication. […]
Day 11010 de/face/ed de/face/ed – or de//ed – is a psychological combat assistance software for reducing the stress burdens to personnel involved in lethal close quarters fighting against sentient opponents. […]
Day 11001 thermai Only after extended analysis was it discovered that thermai is not a simple virus blocking memory and processors with essentially nonsensical data and operations, but instead appears […]
Day 11000 TrIPPINgaDvIsoR TrIPPINgaDvIsoR is an interactive pharmacopeia whose most prominent features are its powerful search options for drug-drug interactions, allowing to build selective black and white lists for drug […]
Day 10111 Phantomfish v289.71b Phantomfish is an RO “screen” capture application, originally developed as a tool to assist with diagnosing and debugging Reality Overlays, it has found broader appeal since […]
Day 10110 prOXYgen Developed by a DarkNight programming team, prOXYgen is an ultra-narrow application computer virus intended to invade the software components of enviroscanners and make them ignore the presence […]