Favorite Persona? – BTLs for Shadowrun
>>>[I am fed up with it. My favorite what?! now? Fuck off! Do I suddenly look like a p-fixer to you? … … Fine! Okay! Piper. You happy now? Piper […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. My favorite what?! now? Fuck off! Do I suddenly look like a p-fixer to you? … … Fine! Okay! Piper. You happy now? Piper […]
August. Let’s not talke about RPGaDay. Let us rather embark on a journey into K-Space and through a selection of the endless possibilities for campaigns. Shadowed Heavens Shadowrun had so […]
244 BTLs, 206 artists, nothing new. Alphabetical by artist. -unknown artist- Hard Mack 17 -0-9- / Dao 1Heart Blitzbliss 2Drunk Girlware 333 Call Out -A- Aegis of the Rails High […]
Since 2014, RPGaDay poses daily questions about RPGs in August. Since 2015, we resist by delivering daily thematic material for RPGs in August. This year, the theme of the alternate […]
Ships… The Dreamship The Dreamship is a rundown small cruise ship and a coffin ship in more than one sense. On the one hand, every day at sea tempts fate […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. She is a monster. She is a monster and I tell her as much. ‘Thomas, whatever it is you think I am. You are […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. I could have just bashed her brains out with a rock while she was sleeping. Mala Diva, Milchreis dann Sex I’ve had four weeks […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. The sky is congealing in the pan. The egg whites are congealing and reminding me of the clouds. My synapses are seriously frayed. Gnade […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. Time appears meaningless. Yet, there is only so little of it left. Without the chips, I wouldn’t even know how much. Or whether any […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. I know why I came. Badger Force, TransMatter But why did she want me to come?]<