>>>[I am fed up with it. My favorite what?! now? Fuck off! Do I suddenly look like a p-fixer to you? …
Fine! Okay!
Piper. You happy now? Piper as Piper. In
- Piper, Piper going crazy
Don’t get me wrong, Piper is always great. But going crazy? That is her on another level. That cuts deep. That is her raw and bloody. The intensity. The tension unable to find release. The bodily reactions. It rips one apart.
There is a direct sequel
- Piper, Piper, too
but that is not really my recommendation here. When I am slotting going crazy, then I want the hyperagitation, the mania, shakes and irritability and all of it. I don’t need to breathe out right after that. No finding back to being the “normal” Piper. No shame and no relaxation.
But, hey!, you want the full Piper-experience? Then take too as well. And the rest. At least make it a full trilogy.
- Piper, Piper
- Piper, Piper going crazy
- Piper, Piper, too
But for me? Favorite persona? Piper in going crazy.
And I still don’t know how you got it into your heads that I am your BTL consultancy.
Fuck off already.]<<< -Fed Up With It