Niederraachheim versus Raachbad – a rivalry for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Rival-a-Day, Day 5

Niederraachheim lies on the eastern flank of Vengeance Hill in Middenland. Its inhabitants are steadfast woodsmen and solid charburners and especially proud of their hard cured sausage which they cut in fingerthick slices. The only true way to cut slices of hard cured sausage.

Raachbad lies next to the Raach where it springs from the western flank of Vengeance Hill. Its inhabitants are proud cabbage farmers and hearty pig breeders and especially proud of their hard cured sausage which they cut in thumbthick slices. The only true way to cut slices of hard cured sausage.

Village rivalries! Who got the bigger turnips?

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