Salem III. Ravenfield versus Conrad Ravenfield – a rivalry for Rogue Trader

Rival-a-Day, Day 6

Salem III. Ravenfield
In the hands of Salem III. Ravenfield, even the helm of a heavy cruiser seems to transform into a fighter’s flightstick. In that, he surpasses even the immense talent of his Mother and allegedly eight generations of Ravenfields before her. At first more than glad to possess two such brilliant helmsmen in Salem and his no less talented younger brother Conrad, rogue trader Ibraha Amalech finally saw no other solution than to transfer the two brothers to different ships of his small fleet to stop their rivalry from endangering the discipline on board or even the very safety of his flagship, the Jewel in the Crown of Creation.

Conrad Ravenfield
Even though Conrad Ravenfield and his brother now are nominal equals, both being first helmsman on a frigate, this has done little to rein in their intense competition. While direct physical confrontation has become an impossibility, but with Conrad now able to occupy the helm at the same time as his brother, entirely new possibilities have arisen to seek and outdo him with daredevil manoeuvres. All to show that it should be him, Conrad, alone to be called back to the helm of the Jewel in the Crown of Creation.

Sibling rivalries are a natural fit for Rogue Trader but I did not want to do the obvious thing and make it about inheriting the Warrant of Trader, so it became a pilot rivalry as well.

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