[German] Kunstwesen bei d6ideas – ein kurzer Rückblick
As part of the current German RPG-blogger’s carnival, we take stock of some of our previous ideas about artificial creatures and characters in this German article.
As part of the current German RPG-blogger’s carnival, we take stock of some of our previous ideas about artificial creatures and characters in this German article.
Remex Servitor While servitors are used on pretty much every voidship, ships with fully servitorised crews are far from common. Most often employed by the Adeptus Mechanicus on smaller research […]
Guardian Servitor This type of combat servitor is most easily identified by its lack of locomotion systems. Neither legs or tracks, nor hover units or magnetic rails are attached to […]
The Chalice of Thought This appears to be but a simple unadorned cup. In its time, however, it has led more than one ship and crew to heights of power […]
“Semantics, inquisitor? Really? Are you a member of the Ordo Logos, that you seek to censure my work on the basis of the mere word? Because you call it an […]
The lost Crystal Gallery So called, because this legendary artifact of unknown xenos providence, was reported lost nearly 8,000 years ago, the Lost Crystal Gallery is purpoted to have been […]
50 books one may find when pilfering a bookcase in Dark Heresy or another Warhammer 40,000 RPG – available in German.
Hero (Guardsman Speciality) Characteristic Bonus: Fellowship +5 or Willpower +5 Starting Aptitudes: Agility, Defence, Fellowship, Fieldcraft, Offence, Perception, Willpower Starting Skills: Acrobatics or Athletics, Charm or Inquiry, Dodge or Naviagte […]
To me, stories about Space Marines are stories about duty, faith, and – ultimately – sacrifice. It’s these types of stories which I always enjoyed most when reading about marines, […]
“What happens if I inflict more than 1 point of Damage during a castigation session?” -Actual player question regarding his character’s Flagellant talent For each extra point of Damage inflicted […]