On the Frontlines – new advanced classes for The Red Star part II
This is the second part of a series of articles looking to add setting specific advanced classes to The Red Star. Here is part one of a series of articles. […]
This is the second part of a series of articles looking to add setting specific advanced classes to The Red Star. Here is part one of a series of articles. […]
The Red Star Campaign Setting is a surprisingly complete book. It captures everything from the comics (those issues that were published by the time of its release), and then adds […]
In the Red Star campaign setting, one of the primary fighter classes, the Red Trooper, is heavily geared towards using the hook, a telekinetic spear which doubles as a melee […]
The Reds may have access to their hook-armed infantry, skyfurnaces, and military-industrial sorceresses, but the contranationalists live up to that measure in most regards. Due to their strong agricultural tradition […]
The intermingling of science fiction, fantasy elements and socialist reality was the main reason I fell in love with the setting of The Red Star. Especially when turning one’s eyes […]
In all likelihood, this is once more one of those things which nobody gets riled up about – nobody but me. Anyway. Blue Planet v3 is scheduled to come out […]
The Odnashdoi Utrom is a faction for the The Red Star Setting of d20 modern. The Odnashdoi Utrom are a young movement dedicated to the Commonwealth, using their mastery of […]
The Red Star campaign setting gives a rundown on the iconic weapons used in the comics – from the ubiquitous hook to Kyuzo’s hailer and Makita’s SWORD, and even going […]
The Red Star Campaign Setting describes the Hydra Class superkrawls as cityblock sized modular fighting vehicles, which are individually assembled in vastly different variants to perform a variety of battlefield […]
Title illustration taken from the cover of The Red Star Special Edition 2006, © Christian Gossett. Used with kind permission of the artist The Sword of Lies, the latest installment […]