
During the last two parts (part 1, part 2) we addressed the potential copyright issues of role playing games but it is self-explanatory that many of the things which may […]

After we talked about a few aspects of copyright related to role playing games there were a number of comments defending the stated cases on behalf of the users of […]

In Germany there seems to be no more prominent and hotter topic than the discussion about copyright in the era of the internet. In our country, this is certainly related […]

damage preview

For all you Blue Planet players out there here is a handy guide for initiative and Damage systems. The game system on the surface appears to work from a simple […]

Editorial: What to play?

Christmas and the holiday season are around the corner again and thus the beginning of the time traditionally spent inside, gaming. In contrast to the summer month there are fewer […]

Editorial: Sources for inspiration

Worldbuilding Adventure or even Character designing – nothing works for long without new input from elsewhere. Most favorite Sources for this are above all books, mostly novels and sometimes non-fiction […]

The Odnashdoi Utrom

The Odnashdoi Utrom is a faction for the The Red Star Setting of d20 modern. The Odnashdoi Utrom are a young movement dedicated to the Commonwealth, using their mastery of […]