Sla Industries


Boostex is a Stormer grade anabolic, which allows 313s and other models to utilize further mass potential deactivated in their baseline configuration. Maintenance and regeneration of such additional muscle mass […]

Air Attack Spider

The Air Attack Spider, also called the Flak Web, is a light weight man portable air defense system for use in urban and other high value environments. Its non-explosive non-fragmentation […]

3rd Lense

The 3rd Lense is an intelligent camera system co-opting the user’s own eyes for video capture. The system is mounted on the forehead using an elastic band or clamps for […]

10 Dinge zum 10.

Alien Mechanics, devoted to non-native developments, it provides early glimpses of import technologies, originating with both off-Mort SLA Industries subsidiaries and other sources, and regularly offers room for speculation on […]

SLA Industries Equipment Log

From clothing fads to relic space battleships, from glorified sticks and stones to end of the line reality overlay applications, the SLA Equipment Log had it all. And now it […]