Shield Familiar – an artificical creature for Dark Heresy
Shield Familiar These cyber creatures appear sluggish and passive as they cling to their masters or clamber around on them. Much of their energy actually goes into the force field […]
Shield Familiar These cyber creatures appear sluggish and passive as they cling to their masters or clamber around on them. Much of their energy actually goes into the force field […]
Scarecarrien Long-standing carrien infestations are sometimes marked by setting up crude “scarecarriens” along the boundaries of the pack’s territory. To the superstitious Downtowners, such markers serve the dual purpose of […]
Type O Blood Clone Mort is a violent environment where murder and massacres are everyday occurences. Still, the trail of exsanguinated corpses left by blood cults stands out even here, […]
Voobrie Doobries, the seemingly harmless, small toy siblings of Vevaphon polymorphs, are a part of the Karma family of products noone apart from children, collectors and perverts pay any great […]
Thunderer Project Thunder was a sister project of Project Storm. Like its famous sibling, it was tasked with developing artificial soldiers. However, as with any other such experiment, the successfully […]
Another creature for our German marbles RPG.
899 Molotov Stormer The 899 “Molotov” Stormer is a specialist military model not cleared for deployment on industrial worlds. Mounting two organic flamethrowers, it is an early test for biogenetic […]
Another German Unknown Armies article on supernatural creatures, in this case covering teddybears coming to live to beat up adepts who frighten children. The Sleepers would probably be proud. Or […]
Emergency Conversion Servitor Correctly performing any of the myriad wonders of the Machine God takes time and care. This also holds true for the arcane arts and rituals of servitor […]
DARiA DAVe DNA Altered Riding Animals DAVe Designed and grown to specification of the Department of Expedition, the DNA Altered Velociraptor is the flagship of the DARiA-series. A fast and […]