

The Lothar light labour drone is a fully anthropomorphic Tek Trex design, usable for a variety of menial tasks in construction and other labour projects. The squat drone reaches barely […]

Class IV Fragmenter

This heavy barrel extension can be mounted on a firearm in place of a silencer. It sets up destructive harmonics in projectiles as they pass through it, transforming standard bullets […]

Frozen Blade

An offshoot of Ebb research, the Frozen Blade is an industrial production model of the Blue Thermal Ice Blade, or rather it is a melee weapon incorporating Glacial Ebb techniques […]


The Hector Missile/Rocket is a mobile launch platform based on the Hector. It can carry five guided missiles or up to twenty dumb-fire rockets in separate launch tubes installed on […]


The Hector Mobile Artillery is a self propelled gun variant of BLA’s successful Hector design. Unconventional for an artillery vehicle, the Hector-MA mounts two guns on an automated rear turret. […]


The Hector Support is another variant of the Hector six-wheeled combat vehicle. The vehicle features light structural reinforcement to the front hull, with the automated defence turret being absent. The […]

Hector Protector

The Hector P is a light tank based on the same six-wheeled chassis as the Hector A infantry carrier. The armour, especially on the front, is upgraded and the ball-turret […]


It is the ultimate stress relief. A shapely lump of fat, glandular tissue, and smooth muscle cells encased in a soft shell of high-quality biogenetic skin, the BBB is completely […]

Alpha Motors Albus

The Albus is a basic compact commuter car. Small and secure it is the perfect choice for day-to-day travel within crowded major urban centres. The on-board reactor provides 9000 hours […]

Alpha Motors Almond

The Almond delivers a luxury car in a compact package. With creature comforts usually only seen in much larger cars, the Almond combines optimised inner city mobility with a luxurious […]