Original SHIVER Tape
This is the actual barrier tape also used by SHIVER units. It is cut and tear resistant, waterproof, and highly durable even under unfavourable environmental conditions, such as UV exposure, […]
This is the actual barrier tape also used by SHIVER units. It is cut and tear resistant, waterproof, and highly durable even under unfavourable environmental conditions, such as UV exposure, […]
Ships… The Dreamship The Dreamship is a rundown small cruise ship and a coffin ship in more than one sense. On the one hand, every day at sea tempts fate […]
Ships… 2by4 The 2by4 is a Leopard class dropship. Two of her mech cubicles have been replaced by additional fighter cubicles, so that her modified bays now carry a total […]
Stained Glass Grenade These frag grenades have their outer shell constructed from glass taken from cathedral windows, infusing them with some measure of the collective faith directed towards these great […]
Grav Scream Grav scream comes as colourful little discs, their surfaces exquisitely carved in strange patterns. Taking a dose of grav scream gives a character the Flyer (6) trait for […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. She is a monster. She is a monster and I tell her as much. ‘Thomas, whatever it is you think I am. You are […]
Imprinting of genetic information from an individual allows a vevaphon to overcome the normal limits of its shapechanging abilities when it comes to portraying members of other species, enabling them […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. I could have just bashed her brains out with a rock while she was sleeping. Mala Diva, Milchreis dann Sex I’ve had four weeks […]
God Drugs The gods are dead. Dead but not gone, their bodies remain in this world, the divine essence given physical form. Their believers are those who crave the glorious […]