The Artillerist’s Abacus – a magical item for D&D
The Artillerist’s Abacus – a magical item for D&D Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This appears to be a simple, sturdy if well-worn abacus. An attuned user gains advantage on […]
The Artillerist’s Abacus – a magical item for D&D Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This appears to be a simple, sturdy if well-worn abacus. An attuned user gains advantage on […]
Skycutter Operated by both the Red Fleet and the Kommissariat Border Troops, skycutters are small skyships intended mainly for patrol missions. In addition to the installed armament, which allows them […]
Quick notes on a setting idea: All creatures contain an identical amount of evil. As smaller creatures have less volume, the evil in them has a higher concentration. Barely more […]
As illustrated in yesterday’s two examples, equipment options for “healer”-type characters can be extremely limited compared to the plethora of choices offered to “fighters”. That means fewer opportunities to engage […]
Symptomatic: Number of polearms with picture, stats and description: 11 Number of items for healers with picture, stats and description: 1 Ammunition types for assault rifles: Eight different types for […]
In Round 2, I briefly sketched out the possibility of generally using combat to determine the results of actions and situations and some of the resulting effects on storytelling. But […]
German brainstorming excercise on possible names for plant people.
Hummingbirds are a type of aerial remote simulacrum (see Field Manual, page 36 (Blue Planet v2), or Player’s Guide, page 142 (Blue Planet revised edition)), sometimes used by field scientists […]
An older piece for Games Workshop’s original Mighty Empires rules. Instead of having a character join a banner, you can also have them wander the world on their own, unburdened […]
The shell game isn’t about money. It’s about charges. – Still a con, obviously.