[German] Von Hafergrütze zu Bürgeraufständen und alles dazwischen- ein krudes Wirtschaftsmodell hauptsächlich für AD&D
Some more notes on determining a settlement’s economy, in German. Image by jorono from Pixabay
Some more notes on determining a settlement’s economy, in German. Image by jorono from Pixabay
For an upcoming German open collaborative campaign, set in Greyhawk’s Wild Coast, we are planning to make heavy use of the lotus rules by Keith Sloan, also featured in Trent […]
Sentient Weapon Avatar You are a sentient weapon, but you can project your will into a physical avatar. Alignment. You typically share the alignment of you creator. Weapon Body. You […]
Abenteuerskizze (adventure sketch) is a German community project. Someone chooses an image and presents it in a blog post. Anyone who wants to contribute uses that image as inspiration for […]
Some notes on determining a settlement’s economy, in German. Image by lumix2004 from Pixabay
A quick table to determine a character’s or monster’s view of the lotus trade, in German. Image by NickyPe from Pixabay
This Abenteuerskizze is only available in German. Rights and information on the image via Wikimedia Commons
What happens to a creature that has been cursed to live their life as a werecrocodile? Learn German and find out!
Random effects from riding a paternoster through to the very top (or bottom) in German.
a snail which leaves an acid trail instead one of slime a snail whose slime, when smeared on your feet, will protect against caltrops or stepping on d4s a snail […]