[German] Karneval der Archive – Thema: Piraten
Checking our archives for pirate-related content in this German article.
Checking our archives for pirate-related content in this German article.
Pythonissa-pattern Torpedo Tubes (Supplemental Component) While using the same launch mechanism as other patterns and capable of firing all the same munitions, Pythonissa-pattern tubes possess a radically different architecture, meant […]
Day 30: D&D The Cap Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a creature of non-good, non-lawful alignment) “If I only had the cap – then I would be the cap!” […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Day 29: a|state The Little Brothers Gang Tacitly supported and financed by certain factions within the Ancient & Honourable Guild of Flugurators, the Little Brothers Gang tends to focus its […]
Day 28: SLA Industries Infiltration Team 28 “The Swamp Stalkers” This DarkNight team has gone native after operating out of Mort’s cannibal swamps for extended periods. While outwardly they continue […]
The Siam comes as a fully adjustable one piece assembly of heavy duty belt with twinned holsters configurable for different pistols or light submachineguns as well as mounting points for […]
Day 27: Rogue Trader Thetys Goya von Mannteuffel Some 250 years ago, shifting priorities in the Imperium’s warmaking meant that the planned conquest of the Causticus Cluster and its nebula-hidden […]
Day 26: SLA Industries SHIVER Pirates This unit of canal patrol SHIVERs have stopped simply supplementing their wages with bribes and protection money and moved to outright armed robbery and […]
Day 25: CthulhuTech Pirates within the Storm In the huge swathes of territory overrun by the monsters and madmen of the Rapine Storm, taking by force from those who have […]