The Mojave Job, Day 30 – a BTL for Shadowrun
>>>[I am fed up with it. She is a monster. She is a monster and I tell her as much. ‘Thomas, whatever it is you think I am. You are […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. She is a monster. She is a monster and I tell her as much. ‘Thomas, whatever it is you think I am. You are […]
2000 articles (or 2001 if including this one here). Time to have another look at the distribution of our articles across gaming material versus other stuff, as we did when […]
Imprinting of genetic information from an individual allows a vevaphon to overcome the normal limits of its shapechanging abilities when it comes to portraying members of other species, enabling them […]
A bagfull of narcotic toads. In German.
>>>[I am fed up with it. I could have just bashed her brains out with a rock while she was sleeping. Mala Diva, Milchreis dann Sex I’ve had four weeks […]
God Drugs The gods are dead. Dead but not gone, their bodies remain in this world, the divine essence given physical form. Their believers are those who crave the glorious […]
>>>[I am fed up with it. The sky is congealing in the pan. The egg whites are congealing and reminding me of the clouds. My synapses are seriously frayed. Gnade […]
Bladed Spine Seen on some rare pugnator servitor patterns, arcoflagellants, chronogladiators and other cybernetically enhanced melee fighters, a bladed spine has blades projecting from the vertebrae, commonly extending all the […]
Wine into Oil This sacred rite of the Adeptus Mechanicus is used to transmute base ingredients into potent oils and unguents that will greatly affect the machine spirits in any […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]