[German] Ideas Overflow: Mai 2020 – Hurenspam
The list of the things we didn’t write this May. In German.
The list of the things we didn’t write this May. In German.
A quick table to determine a character’s or monster’s view of the lotus trade, in German. Image by NickyPe from Pixabay
AT Corp set their subsidiary Saga Arms the task of contesting the rapidly evolving market for non-incendinary thermal weapons. A task Saga Arms succeeded at admirably with the Geyser Gun, […]
Abenteuerskizze (adventure sketch) is a German community project. Someone chooses an image and presents it in a blog post. Anyone who wants to contribute uses that image as inspiration for […]
A creature for Beutelschneider. In German.
Roll 1d10 for characters who become unstuck from reality, losing their grounding in space and time and cause and effect. Perhaps they angered the gods, perhaps they passed through a […]
Putrevisor These cybernetic eye implants have been corrupted by the foul power of Nurgle. They grant the Heightened Senses (Sight) talent, the Dark Sight and Unnatural Senses (30 metres) traits […]
May 09. New Feat Voice of the Forgotten You feel indebted to those who died unknown and forgotten and labour to bring their names and stories to light. Prerequisites: Research […]
Abenteuerskizze (adventure sketch) is a German community project. Someone chooses an image and presents it in a blog post. Anyone who wants to contribute uses that image as inspiration for […]
The list of the things we didn’t write this April. In German.