
The Brigades of Aragon

The Reds may have access to their hook-armed infantry, skyfurnaces, and military-industrial sorceresses, but the contranationalists live up to that measure in most regards. Due to their strong agricultural tradition […]


This is the last entry of my alternate d20 modern classes: The Mind. The other two entries can be found here: The Adventurer and the Warrior. The Mind is the […]


After the Warrior the Adventurer follows. I have build 3 classes and this was probably the most difficult to construct. I had the picture of Indiana Jones, Quatermain and a […]

Warrior Class D20 Modern

Why do I even bother with alternative d20 modern basic classes? Well, there is a simple answer to this. D&D 3rd edition has many incarnations. We have 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, […]

The Middenman »The … who?« Carla Klauwitz, Middenheimer Citizen The old world knows its fair share of strange cults, secret societies and conspiracies. Most of them are concerned with the […]


Introduction I've liked playing paladins since I picked up my first AD&D book. In the 3rd edition, the celestial mount was one of the most prominent features, but I had […]

GEOpards patch

A military unit for Blue Planet v2 The GEOpards, formally 4th Special Forces Company, GEO Peacekeeping Force, are a GEO military unit, and one of five "Blue Berets" companies deployed […]


To me, Unknown Armies is a game, which masterfully blends ancient myths and concepts with contemporary believes. While browsing through the book I always felt, that most adepts take their […]