Much Improved Dive Wings and Zink – flyers and pilots for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Much Improved Dive Wings
Using the invaluable experience of veteran goblin doom diver ace Zink, the much improved dive wings allow for – much – greater diving speed and accuracy even in lesser pilots than Zink himself.

…and pilots

The permier goblin doom diver expert, a veteran of countless missions and an ace many times over, Zink has actually never once launched from a doom diver catapult. He has a far too well developed survival instinct to allow that to happen. At the same time, he is far too smart and cunning, to let any other greenskins notice him weaseling out at the last minute every time or, at least, let anyone notice and live. Zink has grown quite adept and very fond of telling of his flying and doom diving exploits, including – ground-based – demonstrations, charging with the especially long and elaborate spike mounted on his flying helmet.

In combat, this spike counts as a lance for Zink.

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Games Workshop, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War, Wrath & Glory und alle zugehörigen Marken, Logos, Namen, und Produkte sind Geistiges Eigentum von Games Workshop Limited und urheberrechtlich geschützt. Diese Elemente wurden inoffiziell und ausschließlich als Referenz zitiert ohne die Absicht damit verbundene Rechte anzufechten und ohne eine Billigung durch den Rechteinhaber zu implizieren. Andere Inhalte dieses Artikels werden ohne Genehmigung oder Lizenz veröffentlicht.

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