Revisiting Poseidon II – updating Blue Planet articles to the revised edition

revised_4Following up on our first revision article for Blue Planet, we take another look back – at the biomod articles we published previously – to bring their rules and stats forward to the current edition. In this article we update the Criminal Biomods and the Marine Hybrids

With Criminal Biomods, we presented a series of biomods produced and used by the various syndicates, terrorist groups and independent criminals operating on Poseidon. Their descriptions can be seen in the original article. Under the revised rules they function as follows:

Skip Over/Blind Spot Reflex Programs

Manchurian Reflex Program

Throat Blade
The throat blade as a Damage Rating of 1. Use of a throat blade on an unsuspecting victim practically guarantees surprise. In intimate situations, the throat blade allows its user to reduce the penalty for called shots by 2.

Legality: Proscribed
Healing Time: 2 weeks
Cost: 10,000cs or more

Stomach Pump
Legality: Legal
Transformation Time: 3 weeks
Cost: 3,000cs

Chimera Genetic Scrambling
Legality: Restricted
Transformation Time: 1 month
Cost: 20,000cs or more

Berserker Modifications
-1 Cognition
-1 Psyche
+1 Physique
+1 Endurance
+1 Toughness
-2 to task rolls involving social interaction

Legality: Proscribed
Transformation Time: 6 weeks
Cost: 20,000cs

In Marine Hybrids, we looked at additional hybrid species, originally bred for amphibious operations. See below for their revised stats:

Seal Modifications: 
+2 Physique
+1 Endurance
+2 Aquatics Skill
-1 to task rolls involving social interaction with non-hybrids
Hold Breath 30 minutes
Salt Tolerance
Cold Tolerance

Otter Modifications: 
+3 Coordination
+1 Endurance
+1 Aquatics Skill
-1 to task rolls involving social interaction with non-hybrids
Hold Breath 10 minutes
Salt Tolerance
Cold Tolerance
Require increased energy intake due to heightened metabolism

Marine Composites
Marine Composite Modifications: 
+1 Physique
-1 Coordination
+2 Endurance
+1 Toughness
+1 Aquatics Skill
+1 Swim Speed
-2 to task rolls involving social interaction with non-hybrids
Hold Breath 20 minutes
Salt Tolerance
Cold Tolerance

Freshwater Composites
Freshwater Composite Modifications: 
+1 Psyche
+1 Reflexes
+2 Endurance
+1 Aquatics Skill
-2 to task rolls involving social interaction with non-hybrids
Hold Breath 10 minutes

Blue Planet and all associated names are the Intellectual Property of Biohazard Games and protected by Copyright. These items have been used unofficially and quoted exclusively as reference with no infringement on any associated rights intended and without implying endorsement by the copyright holder. Other contents of this articles are published under the following license:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Blue Planet und alle verbundenen Namen sind Geistiges Eigentum von Biohazard Games und urheberrechtlich geschützt. Diese Elemente wurden inoffiziell und ausschließlich als Referenz zitiert ohne die Absicht damit verbundene Rechte anzufechten und ohne eine Billigung durch den Rechteinhaber zu implizieren. Andere Inhalte dieses Artikels werden unter folgender Lizenz veröffentlicht:
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