Pylos Pattern Grav Kite Harness and 119th Zakaran Bronze Guard – flyers and pilots for Only War


Pylos Pattern Grav Kite Harness
The Pylos pattern grav kite harness consists of an wearable articulated wing frame with durable flak fabric coverings. When worn together with a grav chute, the wings add enough lift and control to turn a jumper’s descent into prolonged flight, even though at limited speeds.

Worn together with a grav chute, the grav kite harness gives its wearer the Flyer (5) trait. This applies only while the wearer is already airborne, e.g., after exiting a flying aircraft or jumping from a high cliff. The harness cannot be used for powered take off directly from the ground. It weights 10 kg and is of very rare availability.

…and pilots

119th Zakaran Bronze Guard
The Bronze Guard is recruited from the flying detachments of royal hunters on Zakara, which soar on kite wings between the mountain tops and through the deep canyons of their home world.

Home World: Feudal World
Commanding Officer: Circumspect
Regiment Type: Drop Troops
Doctrines: Survivalists (Mountain)
Total Cost: 12

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine and 4 charge packs, 1 knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 smoke grenades, Imperial Guard flak armour, grav chute, Pylos pattern grav kite harness, respirator, clip/drop harness, grapnel & line, uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, cognomen tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, and 2 weeks’ rations.
Favoured Weapon: Long las, mortar

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