Ahmanid Combi-Las – a new exotic ranged weapon for Wrath & Glory

Ahmanid Combi-Las
The rare Ahmanid combi-las is one of the few remaining artefacts bearing scattered testament to the extinguished xenos species of the Ahmanids. Once the main assault weapon of their aggressive hunting and mating migrations, the Ahmanid combi-las combines a rapid fire solid projectile weapon not too dissimilar to an Imperial autogun if you can look beyond its disgustingly xenos origin, with a compact one-shot las weapon packing the punch of a full-blown lascannon albeit at only a fraction of the range. It was the use of weapons such as this, which made shock assaults by Ahmanid infantry able to break through even heavily fortified lines or armoured spearheads and turned them into terrors during boarding actions, though these armarments also meant that Ahmanid attacks quickly lost momentum when they did not secure an immediate breakthrough.

The Ahmanid combi-las is an exotic ranged weapon.

As its common name suggests, it possesses the Combi-Weapon Weapon Upgrade. Its component weapon are a xenos autogun and a short-ranged one-shot xenos assault lascannon and use the following rules:

Xenos Autogun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 3; Assault, Rapid Fire [2])
Xenos Assault Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo -; Assault, Steadfast)

The complete combi-weapon system has the following Value and Keywords:

Value: 9 (Unique)
Keywords: Las, Projectile, Xenos, Ahmanid

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