
Architect’s Eyes

These reality overlay glasses include a dedicated processor unit and other firmware to run complex architectural simulations in tv-realistic quality. Architect’s Eyes let you see your construction projects as part […]

GA Slim Saw

The Slim Saw is a compact squad support weapon specifically designed with urban combat in mind. The ceramic barrel has been greatly reduced in length compared to other heavy automatic […]

La Grande Boots

These days, when you say ‘boots’, you have to say ‘La Grande’. A pair of genuine La Grande boots costs 31c. Game Use: –

Stuart Stockings

Stuart offers supra sheer thigh-highs of excellent quality in close to a hundred hues. Cost is 1c a pair. Game Use: –


Skin reinforcement and tissue anchors hold the Bodyhook in place and allow each such cybernetic load carrying implant to be burdened with several kilograms of weight without damaging or deforming […]

Essentia Streamers

The newest streamers by Essentia loop back from the temples in two translucent arcs streaming out to exceptional length around the wearer. Essentia streamers cost 12c. Game Use: –

Oh Ko Hardstreamer

Oh Ko’s Hardstreamer is a single, broad, and only slightly flexible streamer. Like other streamer headgear it is affixed either to a helmet or to a lightweight reinforced headband, and […]

Mirror Shield

The Mirror Shield is a piece of protective Science Friction technology. The highly polished organic crystal shield mounted on the lower arm can be used to reflect Sense Perception and […]


The Chromehound is a specialised variant of the Newshound software which has been programmed to specifically track down and single out news reports, advertisements, and classifieds connected to the chrome […]


The Newshound software package is a dedicated search AI for news archives. It locates and compiles news and articles of interest, outputting condensed reviews, specific information, and sources as requested […]