Fate of the Five Rings

In general, the Fate-family does not rank particularly high on my priority list. However, there are concepts which almost audibly call out for Fate to be used. Fate of the […]

Blades of the Five Rings

Since I like Rokugan and I don’t enjoy the direction FFG went with in their revival, I did what all people should do, and tried to create something with Rokugan […]

Unknown Rokugan

Playing in Rokugan, but with Unknown Armies 3 rules. Unknown Rokugan. The Basics We are using the Unknown Armies 3rd edition rules more or less unchanged. Obviously, there are no […]

10 Dinge zum 10.

>>>[I am fed up with it. Why do you always come to me with your dead kids? Perhaps I should start spouting some stupid “no children” rule. But who knows […]