>>>[I am fed up with it. Woke up drenched. For some reason, I dreamt that I had to work with her on a job. And the client forced me to watch her work. I need to zone out.
- Awakened Bunny Hop, Jump Around
- Bubbly Laughter, Bloodsplatters everywhere!!! 🙂
- Deep Caves 87, Running Free
- HV Memory Displacement, Cyber-Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, vol. VIII
- Knochenbremser, Troll beim Kieferorthopäden
- LeftRightCentre, Toenails
- NX Pulse, Confession (through shattered teeth)
- raspberry crush, plain vanilla
- Sarah Sierra, Bright as Day
- The Sgt. Anderson Estate, Grit
I am cold.]<<< -Fed Up With It