Populating the Village: Faith – two characters for The Red Star
Abd al-Azar Abd al-Azar (male Nistaani Shaman 6) is the village shaman and as such the highest local religious authority and one of the pillars of both the community and […]
Abd al-Azar Abd al-Azar (male Nistaani Shaman 6) is the village shaman and as such the highest local religious authority and one of the pillars of both the community and […]
Were… dog clam falcon chicken wasp snake pike secretarybird lion goat All of these are meant completely seriously. I like alternative werecreatures. Perhaps it should not be the “contagious” version […]
Quest for perfection. In German.
At the time of the Battle of Kar Dathra’s Gate, the 8th Guards Krawl Army, stationed in the VIR (the Eastern Volksreich), consisted of the following: Army Headquarters Skyfurnace Kurgan […]
The list of the things we didn’t write in January. In German.
Looking through the archives for articles relating to beginnings and transitions. Results, as always, are to be found in the German version of this archive article.
Beginnings and transitions and lateral character development powered by an alien zodiac or something to that effect. In German.
Reorganisation measures take place during the long awaited next main story episode of our German Unknown Armies/UC Gundam campaign.
We engage in some good old fashioned and constructive German trolling.
“What difference makes my paradigm anyway?” To lend more weight to the concept of paradigms, make the range of possible effects achievable with a sphere independent from the mage’s rank […]