A-Summer-Day-a-Day, Day 4: Summer Oath – a summer day for Earthdawn
Day 4: Earthdawn Summer Oath This blood oath can only be sworn during summer. The blood for the oath has to be drawn from the hands the oathtakers use to […]
Day 4: Earthdawn Summer Oath This blood oath can only be sworn during summer. The blood for the oath has to be drawn from the hands the oathtakers use to […]
Ad-Blog plus, Day 4: Last Wednesday in astral space, intersection 24th Ave E/Boyer Ave E. You, fingers of flame, stars in your hair. Me, rooted in the ground, stones on […]
Day 3: Unknown Armies Bottled Summer This dark bottle bears a handwritten label with a simple sketch of the sun shining down on a hilly landscape and identifying its contents […]
Ad-Blog plus, Day 3: Will pay any price! Looking for protective charm against mummy curse. Money plays no role if efficacy can be proven. We are talking about the inexorable […]
Day 2: Freeya Naschzar Summer Summers in Naschzar are hot and dry and dusty. In parts of the grey steppes, the dust is a powder so fine, that on a […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Day 1: Alien worlds Summer Day Summer Day is a marine astro biologist and part time witch and swimwear model currently employed by the Helios Planning corporation at one of […]
Ad-Blog plus, Day 1: Wanted! To buy or trade. A summer day. First summer days preferred, but not a requirement. Price negotiable. Only earnest offers. Contact: Gila Monster. Classified ad […]
The list of the things we didn’t write this July. In German.
Talk about “swirly pools of blood and bodily fluids” and someone will crack a joke. Talk about “vaginal abrasions” and noone will. Choice of words and its effect on mood. […]