Strategic Disposition of the Petrifiers – additional information on a Space Marine chapter for Warhammer 40,000

Index Astartes: Petrifiers, Addendum

Strategic Disposition

In battle, the Petrifiers follow the tactics laid down in the hallowed texts of the Codex Astartes, at least as far as their limited ressources will allow. On a strategic level however, the chapter has a mostly defensive outlook, most of the time showing little zeal for joining crusades of conquest and expansion. Instead, they focus on the defense and if needed re-conquest of Imperial worlds within the sectors originally assigned to their protection at the chapter’s founding. Only rarely does this entail preventive neutralisation of identified dangers, especially as the proximity to the unknowable reaches of the Halo stars more often than not renders the Imperium and the chapter blind to enemies encroaching from such quarters.

This is a minor expansion to the information previously presented in the chapter’s introduction.

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