![[German] All characters are 18, even if otherwise specified, or 21 where required by law.](https://d6ideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Logo_RSPKarneval.png)
[German] All characters are 18, even if otherwise specified, or 21 where required by law.
German thoughts on… what exactly?
German thoughts on… what exactly?
It’s the one really RPG-specific taboo I can think of. A lot of scorched earth, obviously. The German version does not hold much more content, although it is a bit […]
Poking around in old articles on the search for romance or other sticky substances. In German.
Martial Archetype – Romantic Yandere: There is something I find very odd. Whenever romance and love in RPGs is discussed, it always ends up being about sex and relationship, but […]
Lightning and thunder Rain drops refusing to fall Our bed remains cold The most important rules for Legend of the Five Rings, no matter the edition, are the rules of […]
We wonder a bit more about what people might be expecting of an article about love. In German.
Love. Defying death. You probably know the drill. In generic game mechanics: Draw two intertwined hearts on your character sheet. On one side, you put your character’s name. On the […]
German confusion and rage.
Dragons of June 8/8: Dusting off a 19 years old German adventure about a dragon, a thief and a rude awakening.
Dragons of June 7/x: This discussion of the economics behind draconic stocks and shares is only available in German.