RPG+Ally+a+Day: Major Wolfgang Kim + Newton Chase, friendship + allies for Battletech

Since 2014, RPGaDay poses daily questions about RPGs in August.
Since 2015, we resist by delivering daily thematic material for RPGs in August.
This year, the theme of the alternate August activity was to be “allies”. Ally-a-Day.
But what is that? The enemy appears to lower their arms. Instead of posing questions, RPGaDay2019 presents single word prompts, suddenly opening a path leading past the About towards the For.
While we do not wish to ignore the hand so offered, neither do we wish to cast out our allies because the enemy for once appears conciliatory.
Neither just RPG-a-Day nor just Ally-a-Day.
Not or, but and.
Not minus. Plus.


Day 12: Friendship + Allies

Major Wolfgang Kim
Major Wolfgang Kim is the founder and commander of the Purple Gnomes, a conventional mercenary unit, consisting solely of horse mounted infantry. With this composition, the unit is especially suited for scouting and sabotage missions on underdeveloped worlds. Major Kim would have never been able to make his anachronistic and romantic dream of an interstellar horse cavalry force a reality, were it not for his friendship with Newton Chase.


Newton Chase
Newton Chase is the captain of the Black Fury II, a Fury-class dropship, modified – under the influence of his childhood friend Wolfgang Kim – to a dedicated animal transport. The vehicle bays have been refitted to provide space for close to 250 horses as well as the facilities, equipment and stores to care for the animals, also during transit flight.


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