Reactive Hull Plating (Supplemental Component)
Despite its proven effectiveness, reactive armour is seldom seen at starship scale due to the purely logistical challenges it imposes. But while impractical for use by the Imperial Navy, intrepid rogue traders, largely unbound by the concerns of Imperial logisticians and the demands of Munitorum clerks, have indulged in the extravagancy of covering their huge interstellar vessels from bow to stern in layers upon layers of ablative armour and directed macro explosives hundred meters thick.
Dead Weight: Decrease this vessel’s Manoeuvrability by -2.
Explosive Shielding: This component provides 1 additional Void Shield. This is cumulative with other Void Shields.
Exposed: This component is exposed.
Appropriate Hull Types: Any
Power: 1
Space: 0
SP: 1
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