Heceme Pattern Power Generator Shells
These autocannon shells contain miniature field generators. Their matter disrupting power field is similar to those used in venerated melee weapons such as power swords and the mighty power fist. As the generator in a shell does not need the same endurance as the one in a melee weapon, the shell’s field is more powerful but at the expense of stability and safety. However, divergances such as this from the sacred parameters and schematics of established power field generators led to the Fabricator-General of Heceme, the forge world of origin for the generator shells, to issue a declaration ex cathedra cybernetica branding the shells a debasement of logic and tradition and an affront to the machine. Production was terminated and the schematics sealed away. Only a few billion prototype shells from the initial production runs remain in existence across the entire Imperium.
Unusual Ammunition
Heceme Pattern Power Generator Shells
Effect: An autocannon loaded with power generator shells changes its Damage class to Energy and increases its Penetration by +5. It gains the Overheat Quality and loses the Reliable Quality.
Used with: Any autocannon.
Availability: Near unique.
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