Forgiving Flame – new ammunition for Warhammer 40,000

Forgiving Flame
Mixed with the blood of the innocent and the tears of the martyred, this promethium fuel burns with a cleansing flame that will not just char the cursed flesh but sear the very sin from the soul.

The Forgiving Flame takes its name from the practice of hosing down convicted and suspected sinners from Imperial Guard regiments with flamers loaded with the annointed fuel mixture. Survivors are promoted to the ranks of the Forgiven martyr battalions and march to battle once again, rejoycing in their new found purity, dressed in scented bandages to mask the stench of burnt flesh.

The Forgiving Flame can be used as fuel for any flame weapon.

In Dark Heresy and its related Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay games Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War, a flame weapon loaded with Forgiving Flame fuel counts as Sancified. Also, whenever such a weapon causes critical damage to a target, the target also loses a number of CP equal to the amount of critical damage taken.

In Wrath & Glory, whenever a flame weapon loaded with Fogiving Flame fuel hits a target with the Daemonic special ability, that target does not benefit from its Daemonic special ability. Also, any target hit by such a weapon loses a number of Corrpution Points equal to the number of Exalted Icons rolled on the damage dice.

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