Dervish Prayer Routines – new equipment for Warhammer 40,000

Stored on especially consecrated dataslates, these codes can be fed into the cortex of almost any type of servitor, overriding their normal task protocols and driving them into a holy frenzy so pure, that it quickly consumes their frail flesh components.

A character with Binary Chatter and the proper authentication to give instructions to a servitor, can use such a dataslate to cause a servitor to become frenzied as a Full Action. The character may use another Full Round action and a succesful Difficult Tech Use test to end the servitor’s frenzy. For the duration of the frenzy, the servitor also gains the Furious Assault and Swift Attack talents, even if it does not meet the prerequisites, as well as the Brutal Charge trait. At the end of each Round in which it frenzied, the servitor gains a number of levels of fatigue equal to the number of rounds since the dervish prayer routines were activated.

Dervish prayer routines are rare.

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Games Workshop, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War, Wrath & Glory und alle zugehörigen Marken, Logos, Namen, und Produkte sind Geistiges Eigentum von Games Workshop Limited und urheberrechtlich geschützt. Diese Elemente wurden inoffiziell und ausschließlich als Referenz zitiert ohne die Absicht damit verbundene Rechte anzufechten und ohne eine Billigung durch den Rechteinhaber zu implizieren. Andere Inhalte dieses Artikels werden ohne Genehmigung oder Lizenz veröffentlicht.

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