Inhaler-port Gasmask
Green Systems have updated their standard corrosion-resistant gasmask design with the incorporation of a sealed port for the application of inhaled pharmaceuticals without removing the mask or compromising its integrity. […]
Green Systems have updated their standard corrosion-resistant gasmask design with the incorporation of a sealed port for the application of inhaled pharmaceuticals without removing the mask or compromising its integrity. […]
This pocket-size portable stove is sized to receive standard survival and emergency ration protein bars and turn them into something at least reminiscient of a hot meal within less than […]
These units present a less restrictive alternative to the ever present coolant suits forced upon Wraith Raiders in non-arctic environments. The disk shaped generator can be worn strapped to the […]
By incorporating 5000 hour MagHold mounts in a form fitting vest, the MagVest provides a superior tactical load carrying system. The 1.5 kg weight of the system is comfortably distributed […]
Polytherm Suits are used to assist in regulating the wearer’s body temperature in unfavourable conditions. The special insulating fabrics help to keep the wearer warm in cold environments, and equally […]
Despite its obvious benefits in regards to protection, durability and mobility powered armour does have some distinctive drawbacks. One of the most obvious is its negative buoyancy, not only on […]