
Flexible Breast Implants

Implant-based breast augmentation is a routine procedure. Any number of solid, gel, or liquid-core devices, as well as advanced biogenetic implants have been employed to this effect. Now, TOY revolutionises […]


This is a companion product to the Padquil flakvest, applying the same protective principles and technologies to a heavy overcoat instead of a vest. A flakcoat costs 45c. Game Use: […]

LAD Liquidator

This add-on LAD implant is used to ease the pain and suffering of LAD customers. If the pain from a mortal wound becomes unbearable, it triggers a suicide circuit after […]


Maternity artificial wombs are based on the dedicated growth tanks used in Stormer production. An organism in any stage of development, from freshly impregnated ovum to fully developed fetus, can […]

Gelee Royale

A potent combat agent, Gelee Royale boosts the body’s resilience and regenerative powers. This increase in the natural capacity to withstand physical trauma renders Gelee Royale users practically immune to […]


A mood-lifter with some very mildly hallucinogenic properties, Claire provides a sense of everything springing into focus to go along with its facilitation of a pleasant outlook on life. A […]


A new Karma approved hallucinogen, Zero trips are characterised by a combination of abstract full-sensory imagery and severe emotional detachment. Zero is sold for 6c per dose. Game Use: Game […]

Nuclear Limpet Mine

In use since the Conflict Wars, SLA Industries manufactured nuclear limpet mines are the ultimate man-portable demolition device. The distinctive striped discs with their two carrying and activation handles attach […]

NP Urban

Made from thin, flexible, synthetic armour-sheets the Urban is a hooded full-body suit. Its lightness and very loose fit make it comfortable to wear even for long periods of activity, […]


The Sanctity powered armour provides a fully sealed environment for safe operations in even severely contaminated areas. Safety features include two separately sealed internal layers, over-pressurised suit interior, and 12 […]