
Electric syringe

Rebound does away with needles and compressed air cartridges and the constant need for fiddling and refilling in their new electric syringe. Using a precisely modulated current, the electric syringe […]

Thermal reaction suit

Used to provoke stress reactions in wraith raiders, thermal reaction suits originally had purely medical applications. Some wraith raiders working as SLA operatives or serving with the corporate military have […]


This small diving implement uses biogenetically engineered tissue to filter oxygen from surrounding water. It is only fully effective in fairly well oxygenated bodies of water, excluding its use in […]

Diamond Gun

A handgun which shoots diamonds adds a unique touch to any fire fight. The Diamond Gun uses the precious stones’ extraordinary hardness to achieve armour penetration. Ammunition comes in the […]

Open Circulatory Armour

Originally envisioned as an environmental protection suit for vevaphons, the Open Circulatory Armour concept has been adapted for use by other races – within limits. The power chassis, 3000 hour […]

KK Quadlauncher

Up-sizing their shoulder-mount weaponry, KlipKiller arrived at the Quadlauncher. The Quadlauncher assembles four separate 12 mm weapons into a single package with a shared feed and controlled from a single […]

External Heart

It may not be made of stone, but high-stress ceramics and impact resistant composites come pretty close. The flat convex disc can be glued or stapled to a patient’s chest […]


This two component biogenetic computer is used to record vital signs and body functions. It consists of a central monitoring cluster integrated with the regulatory centres of the brain and […]

Song of your Life

This reality overlay is an audio background system for underlining your life with your own unique music. Song of your Life is based around a theme progression algorithm that will […]