Campaign(Concept)aDay – Shaktar

August. Let’s not talke about RPGaDay. Let us rather embark on a journey into K-Space and through a selection of the endless possibilities for campaigns.


As titles go this might be too boring, but it does capture the essence of the concept.

Another alternate SLA Industries campaign, this time starting from the conceit that the characters are all Shaktar. Having the events revolve around the Eighth Moon is then an easy focus. Depending on your Truth about those renegades, things may trend more towards politics, uncovering of history, and/ or horror (in societal or supernatural variants – or both). Perhaps I would even use the opportunity to construct yet another vision of the Eighth Moon from scratch. A good mix of unarmed and space combat, of conflicting loyalties, with colourful scarves and psychoactive spices is a must in any case. As is a ban on vowels.

Image by S K from Pixabay

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