Campaign(Concept)aDay – The Exsanguination Wars

August. Let’s not talke about RPGaDay. Let us rather embark on a journey into K-Space and through a selection of the endless possibilities for campaigns.

The Exsanguination Wars

A Warhammer 40,000 campaign about those wars – first brief mentions of which I made in background for some older articles here on the blog.

I see two very different possibilities for this (although it would also be possible to combine the two, by cutting back and forth between them):

The first one is an investigative campaign (Inquisition or otherwise) trying to uncover what the Exsanguination Wars even were in the first place. This would be a hunt for clues and truths in archives, on old battlefields, and after suspected survivors. Such a campaign would build on the generally older visions of the Imperium, with even fundamental facts such as the existence of chaos deemed forbidden and powers that be routinely willing to sacrifice whole armies or worlds to keep such things secret. A campaign trying to reconstruct a history that was expunged.

The second is far simpler, more direct (and perhaps more in line with “modern” Warhammer 40,000?) – a war campaign during the Exsanguination Wars, a campaign playing the Wars themselves. Thus, a military campaign of one sort or another (navy, guard, maybe even marines).

Image by S K from Pixabay


  1. Version 1 finde ich richtig spannend, weil auch das so weit weg ist vom üblichen Warhammer. Auf den Spuren einer geheimen und gelöschten Geschichte, das wäre doch ein guter Film, warum also nicht als Kampagne umsetzen.


    1. Ich glaube ein Witz daran könnte sein, dass es relativ junge gelöschte Geschichte ist. Fast ein Wettrennen gegen die Revisionisten, die noch dabei sind die Ereignisse der letzten 20? 50? 100? Jahre zu überarbeiten. Wobei das andererseits dann auch wieder leicht in einen Actionfokus abdriftet und vielleicht das Grundkonzept unterminiert? Müsste ich weiter drüber nachdenken.


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