Blue Ops Gear – equipment for special forces and insurgents on Poseidon

Blue Planet Equipment smallBetween Native insurgencies, inter-Incorporate raids, Black Crusade operations and terrorist attacks, special operations capable forces have become some of the most important military assets for the various factions on Poseidon. As such, specialist equipment to fill their unique needs has moved up in priority alongside heavier weapon systems such as sub interceptors and strike jumpcraft, which still dominate the picture of the colonial arms build-up in the eyes of the public.

Composite Crossbow
The crossbow is still used owing to its simple design. There are two types available, the manual loading version and the belt fed version powered by mini cell to pull back the bow string. During isolation the digital archives of human knowledge was used to create hand crafted tools for survival. Among them is a medieval style crossbow made from bone and wood to create a strong and durable composite structure. These are generally not for sale.

The crossbow re-entered the public consciousness again in the early fights by Natives against colonists and Incorporates before guns were obtained in quantity by the insurgents. It fed into the propaganda of the primitive savage from the mainstream media as a silent tool of terror. While a stab vest or bullet stopping fibre will absorb the impact, preventing a wound, it does have a strong psychological value. Their main use is for stealth (i.e. against snipers), armed with an explosive head or with a grapple hook. They have begun to be used in training because it can be disguised as hunting. It also requires more skill than a gun, such as stealth to move close to a target, which then reinforces the advanced skills needed to fight an enemy with superior technology.

Dimensions: 0.5 to 1.3 kilograms and 0.5 to 1 meters
Power Source: Varies, none or mini cell
Rigging Value: Basic
Durability: 0
Legality: Legal
Availability: Uncommon
Cost: 50 to 400cs
Ammo Capacity: 1 or more if belt fed
Rate of Fire: 1 for manual load, 2 for powered model
Range: Point Blank/4 Short/10 Medium/18 Long/95
Damage Rating: 6

EV Paste
This product began as Evasion Paste, a heavy matte black substance that blocks the body’s emission of heat, as a product for the joke market. Then it was picked up for low budget films and criminals, which caused a media sensation. The negative response meant the name was changed to EV Paste and the packaging changed to 100ml tubes. People, who use it to evade detection, need a combination of items such as sunglasses and dark clothing to fool security systems. Its effectiveness is based on the thoroughness of the application, quality, proximity and spectrum of monitoring equipment being used.

A stealth check is needed to successfully apply the paste, modified by circumstance. Using just the paste without additional concealing measures will give a -1 to those trying to detect an intruder by heat emission. Combined with full camouflage and face protection this increases to -2 on attempts to find an intruder using heat sensors.

Dimensions: 100 ml
Power Source: None
Rigging Value: Basic
Durability: 6 to 10 hours
Legality: Legal
Availability: Common
Cost: 20cs for 100 ml

Grenadier Remote
Grenadiers are a type of light combat support remotes especially popular with special operations units such as the GEO Peacekeeper’s Blue Berets. Indeed, the first grenadier remotes are said to have been field modifications of light hover remotes used for target surveillance during raids on terrorist encampments, but since then dedicated units of this type have made their debut.

Their main appeal to their users lies in their combination of small size with high versatility.

They combine the close aerial recon capabilities of their predecessors with a support weapon carrier for suppressive fire. As the remotes’ name implies, this support fire is provided in form of grenades, but instead of mounting some model of grenade launcher, the remotes instead sport a rack from which their payload can be dropped with pin point accuracy.

The utilization of standard hand grenades in this rack is what makes grenadier remotes so desirable for use by special forces. This allows a team to optimize their load in the field, as the remote alleviates the need for light mortars or grenade launchers which would require a supply of specialized ammunition and further rolls the replacement into one with recon equipment.

Production model grenadiers carry a rack of six grenades of any type and can drop those one by one or in groups (up to all six at once).

Dimensions: 2.5 kilograms and 5 liters
Power Source: Standard cell
Rigging Value: Standard
Durability: 1
Legality: Restricted
Availability: Scarce
Cost: 2,400cs

Peacekeeper “Hybrid”
Named in honour of the large scale induction of hybrids into the GEO Peackeeping Forces during their critical formative years, the Peacekeeper Hybrid is a sidearm built to specification of the Blue Berets.

Similarly to the more famous Marshal Peacemaker it was designed entirely by the GEO defense labs, instead of being outsourced to a commercial enterprise.

It’s most striking feature – and the one further contributing to the choice of name – is a variable propellant injection system allowing the Hybrid to selectively fire projectiles either at normal hypersonic speeds or subsonically to enable the silent elimination of targets (subsonic firing results in a -3 modifier on Hearing checks to notice or locate the firer). A third option is included as a last resort only, injecting a higher than normal amount of propellant, boosting stopping power but putting massive strain on the weapon’s frame and mechanism.

Further features include a reinforced non-metallic frame in matte, non-reflective finish, a targetting interlink system and interactive access chip.

Dimensions: 1.2 kilograms and 1.2 liters
Power Source: Mini cell and binary propellant
Rigging Value: Standard
Durability: 2
Legality: Restricted
Availability: Scarce
Cost: 1,500cs
Ammo Capacity: 22 rounds/magazine
Rate of Fire: 3
Range: Point Blank/3/5/7 Short/5/10/15 Medium/10/20/35 Long/25/75/85 (subsonic/normal/maximum settings)
Damage Rating: 5/7/8 (subsonic/normal/maximum settings)

The Trickster
This is a device that can override electronic security either by accessing systems wirelessly or via a forced direct link. It is an illegal device first made covertly by Incorporates as part of their shadow wars against each other and governments. Once the designs and working examples leaked outside of the covert teams who were allowed access to this specialized equipment, they became adopted by the other Incorps, law enforcement teams and people doing illegal activities. Black market factories have been producing them for over fifty years. Without enforceable copyright, patents or trademarks, innovation has been quick and the competition brutal, sometime literally. Those produced by Incorps are still highly prized as they operate at the edge case of complex intrusion. Their devices are adapted for specific targets and from long experience in the field.

There are also simple models that run re-written scripts, with limited facilities to customize the attack approach. These generally work against low value targets or places with poorly implemented security features. Advanced models monitor the data flow passing through an access point in order to customize an attack vector. They also provide the user with information from the network that would allow them to do specific or spear fishing attacks, such as allow a false I.D. to be validated by someone entering at another location.

They are generally disguised as legal devices such as a multicomm, a body comp, a remote control pad, etc. The NIS is commonly assumed to have first invented the Trickster since the first models came disguised as a multicomm. The unfortunate result of this theory was increased hacking attempts to find the research, which led to better security and a supply of tricksters that were used in those attempts.

There are three general types found. Basic models run predefined scripts. They give a +2 to hacking. They also give a +3 to counter measures due to their limited capacity. The standard type has scripts and allows some user interaction. They give a +3 to hacking and +1 to counter measures. The rare fully advanced model gives the user deep knowledge of the systems being hacked into, giving a +5 to hacking and no bonuses to counter measures.

Dimensions: Varies, depends on the object it is disguised as
Power Source: Mini cell
Rigging Value: Standard
Durability: See above
Legality: Proscribed
Availability: Uncommon (basic models), scarce (standard models) or rare (advanced models)
Cost: 5,000cs to 30,000cs

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