
Saint Odile

For a long time I had the idea to put a sister on a horse. But I was unsure which horse I should use until I talked with blut_und_glas about […]

New Strategy: Patience

During my games of Twilight Imperium, I realized that the 4-player game is a bit odd. Since none of the 8 Strategies remain in the common play area, no Bonus […]


This is the last entry of my alternate d20 modern classes: The Mind. The other two entries can be found here: The Adventurer and the Warrior. The Mind is the […]


After the Warrior the Adventurer follows. I have build 3 classes and this was probably the most difficult to construct. I had the picture of Indiana Jones, Quatermain and a […]

Warrior Class D20 Modern

Why do I even bother with alternative d20 modern basic classes? Well, there is a simple answer to this. D&D 3rd edition has many incarnations. We have 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, […]

Celestine Disclaimer

I actually like the new Sisters of Battle codex. Yeah, it is an extremely lazy codex, but at least it works. The new rules for St. Celestine, Kyrinov and Uriah […]