
DNA Disguise Kit

Using tailored biogenetic components, the contents of a DNA disguise kit break down genetic material in dead cells and even in lost body fluids. The identity of someone using a […]

Book Blade

A little bit old-fashioned, maybe, but that alone lends it a style all of its own. A sleek unpowered blade hidden within the spine of a hardcopy book the book […]

Frother Fighting Beer

This fine brew comes in bottles with enhanced grip surfaces and predetermined breaking points, to ensure its transformation in a useful weapon as the evening runs its natural course. Frother […]


The Triray is a personal high-energy weapon. It consists of three separate emitters bundled together. A variable focussing mechanism adjusts the component weapons to all strike in the same spot, […]

Centipede Beer

Centipede Beer comes in trademark bottles engraved with images of its crawling skittering namesake, from which pour the dark foaming liquid renowned for its uniquely strong flavour. A pack of […]

Infinity Helmet

A piece of art as much as a piece of armour, the Infinity Helmet hit the security fashion market like a speeding gauss train. From its high peaked top, to […]

Shutter Hood

The most imposing feature of this helmet is its heavy multi-part faceplate. The opaque parts can be retracted, folding up into one another and disappearing into the helmet’s top, leaving […]

Vacuum Bones

An inobstrusive yet ingenious piece of biogenetic optimisation, vacuum bone implants reduce total body weight by considerably lightening bones. All major bones are replaced by biogenetic versions. More compact material […]

Armour Autoclav

To safe-keep the identity of personnel killed in covert actions and protect against genetic tampering, as well as a way to dissuade terrorists from appropriating and using SLA Industries equipment, […]

Armour Selfdestruct

In many low intensity conflict zones a main concern of the security apparatus is the capture of advanced combat equipment by opposing forces. Self destruct systems for powered armour, such […]