
KK Quadlauncher

Up-sizing their shoulder-mount weaponry, KlipKiller arrived at the Quadlauncher. The Quadlauncher assembles four separate 12 mm weapons into a single package with a shared feed and controlled from a single […]

External Heart

It may not be made of stone, but high-stress ceramics and impact resistant composites come pretty close. The flat convex disc can be glued or stapled to a patient’s chest […]


This two component biogenetic computer is used to record vital signs and body functions. It consists of a central monitoring cluster integrated with the regulatory centres of the brain and […]

Song of your Life

This reality overlay is an audio background system for underlining your life with your own unique music. Song of your Life is based around a theme progression algorithm that will […]

Live Song

Live Song is an audio reality overlay program underscoring your actions with a unique real-time soundtrack. The codex composer at the heart of the package writes the original score as […]


Framework reality overlay software will change your perspective. It will have you look out at the world as if it were a series of television stills or master paintings, ringing […]


This bundle of optical nerves is sheathed in a double layer of skin and muscle. With universal connectors at each end it is a 100% living chippy lead. Biochippies cost […]


Highly automated ion-drive warships, Vultures are renowned for retaining full combat readiness and effectiveness even when manned by a skeleton crew of ten. The ships are in use with several […]

Cell Tri-Lens Still

The Cell Tri-Lens Still is a high quality photo camera. It uses state of the art video lens architecture adapted to produce static images. A full host of light and […]