I. Achaian Invasion Regiment – Homer in Warhammer 40,000

A Reading from Homer by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Homer-a-Day, Day 17: Achaians

I. Achaian Invasion Regiment
Pulled together from across the myriad of asteroid states and lunar kingdoms of their home system, the I. Achaian represents a seldom divergence from established local Departmento tithing practice. Despite shared equipment and ways of war, the regiment, marching under a great many different lunar and tribal banners and sporting a host of personal heraldic crests, has a far from uniform appearance. The decision to form such a single large regiment instead of the traditional smaller independent regiments was made to meet the demand for a unit more resistant to the rigours of long term attritional warfare and aggressive pacification campaigns.

Home World: Feudal World
Commanding Officer: Bilious
Regiment Type: Siege Infantry
Doctrines: Close Order Drill, Hardened Fighters
Drawback: Honour Bound
Total Cost: 11

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 M36 lasgun and 6 charge packs, 1 mono-knife, 1 Good Craftsmanship hunting lance, 1 shield, 2 frag grenades, 2 photon flash grenades, carapace helm, carapace greaves, carapace chestplate, uniform, respirator, recoil gloves, entrenching tool, 4 empty sandbags, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, dog tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, and 2 weeks’ rations.
Favoured Weapon: Flamer, Heavy Bolter

yandere: […] Homer weeks for 40k.
blut_und_glas: […] Homer-a-Day?

Homer-a-Day – one Homer inspired Warhammer 40,000 article per day, for one month. Pure hubris, incited when a stroll through our own archives led first to reexamining the Odysseus Pattern Astartes Greatbow and then to the exchange quoted above.

Don’t uncork what you can’t contain.

Image: A Reading from Homer by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836–1912).

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