[German] Zehn Dinge zum Zehnten: 10 kriminelle Organisationen für Fantasysettings Teil 2
This German article describes 10 additional criminal organisations for fantasy settings.
This German article describes 10 additional criminal organisations for fantasy settings.
This German article describes 10 criminal organisations for fantasy settings.
Small update to our 10 wizards’ guilds article in German.
10 sinister wizards’ guilds in German.
10 wizards’ guilds in German.
A German random table to determine ruins near roads.
… suddenly obsessing about colours (wait and see!), yennico was the one to ask „What is … a Cerulean Cossack?“. blut_und_glas threw his lot in with him, and together they […]
… the question „What is … what we see in that picture?“ was once more raised by Shadom, this time after raiding the deviantart gallery of suzi9mm back in November […]
… this question was raised by Shadom when he was talking about the importance of being consistent in translations. Apart from Shadom, yennico, Pythia and Dr. Gonzo all try their […]
Today the question of Dr. Gonzo is answered by blut_und_glas, Shadom, the two guys with Y and the good Doctor himself.