Ale Ash – a drug for Freeya
Ale Ash Gruner and poor kohler dwarves often do not even have pebble beer, much less true rock beer. Before they try to force down some of the nasty brews […]
Ale Ash Gruner and poor kohler dwarves often do not even have pebble beer, much less true rock beer. Before they try to force down some of the nasty brews […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Dagger of Drunkeness rare This dagger has a prominent blood groove. It is artfully decorated with a vine motif, the grapes being made of garnets. If a humanoid creature is […]
Gin Sonic This strong alcoholic drink is widely consumed by officers and civil servants in colonial service in the Screamin Jungles, as it helps them cope with the hostile environment. […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
Ring of the Drunken Reveller Ring, rare (requires attunement) If the wearer of this ring drinks a bottle of fine wine, they gain the benefit of a common potion of […]
Beer Stone According to Freeyan dwarves, this beer does not even come close to what a proper beer brewed straight from the rock tastes like, but the half lovingly half […]
Freeya, too, posits fey as free, often powerful, often capricious spirit beings, both natural and supernatural. The Elysian Empire claims to be rooted in such natural forces but more than […]
For hasran. Werecrocodile Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), neutral evil Armor Class 10 in humanoid form, 12 (natural armor) in crocodile or hybrid form Hit Points 135 (18d8+54) Speed 30 ft. […]