
Chimera Biogenetic Multitool

The Chimera comes with a set of gripping and rending claws, saw teeth, feelers, feeders, stingers, pincers, chelicerae, and a selection of tentacles, and so offers a full range of […]

Tentacle Cutlery

Exquisite and extravagant, the pseudopods springing from the bone handles of Tentacle Cutlery make every dinner table into a biogenetic lifestyle choice. The tentacles are fully prehensile and equipped with […]

Murder Pellet

The Murder Pellet is a devious little assassination and suicide device. The small hard sphere, barely more than two millimetres in diameter, is composed of a memory plastic compound that […]

Thermal Bodypaint

Thermal Bodypaint uses skin neutral cooling and heating additives for climate control via body painting. The set consists of a selection of some fifty thermally neutral base colours, while at […]

Leguan 400 Sedan

A mid-size sedan from SLA Industries’ Leguan subsidiary, the 400 uses a highly efficient slow fusion reactor with 10000 hours of guaranteed user life to power its smooth running quad-axle […]

Psycho Limes

The chocolate limes of pros. Seasoned with the slightest hint of aggression generators, these are going to give an edge to your sweet tooth. 4u a bag. Game Use: –

Tactical Awareness Manager

The Tactical Awareness Manager (TAM) is a software package designed in-house by the Ministry of War to support personnel in high threat combat environments. It is based around a proprietary […]

Data Halfmask

This contour sensitive self adhesive mask covers half the wearer’s face. It includes full sensory interface systems, including visual, acoustic, and haptic output. Three chippy-ports link the mask to computers […]

Supervisor Implant

Normally wont to part with their secrets, Station Analysis have broken their silence for once, to grant a short glimpse at their newest toy, delivered to them straight out of […]


The Datapatch is a transparency regulated eye-patch with dual chippy-port linkup for display of data in variable HUD and full screen modes. A Datapatch costs 1c. Game Use: –