Campaign(Concept)aDay – VIR ’91

August. Let’s not talke about RPGaDay. Let us rather embark on a journey into K-Space and through a selection of the endless possibilities for campaigns.

VIR ’91

A The Red Star campaign centered on the end of Eastern Germany (or VIR [Völkische Internationalistische Republik] as established in prior The Red Star campaigns), with two distinct dimensions of play for players to tangle with:

A more personal, smallish scale dimension – now that the writing is on the wall, what are the characters planning and doing to secure their own futures (and fortunes?)? Things to do, places to visit, scores to be settled, money to be made, or records to be set straight.

And a big, (geo-)political one – trying to steer events, to shape the nation’s and the world’s future, having a hand in at least the How and perhaps even the If of the VIR’s disintegration and possible reunification with the West.

Both with ample chance to bring in the supernatural elements of The Red Star, including the otherworldly secrets of the spirit economy and control of peoples by industrial destruction of their ancestors. After all, what better way to make a fortune – or to hold together a teethering regime?

Image by S K from Pixabay

1 Comment

  1. Auf jeden Fall spannend, ich persönlich würde mich für die kleinere Wahl entscheiden wenn ich spielen würde.
    Krasser Spagat zwischen “Ekel Alfred” – Familienleben und 1984-Paranoia gepaart mit Kalter Krieg-Mentalität.


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