Campaign(Concept)aDay – Elysian Freedom

August. Let’s not talke about RPGaDay. Let us rather embark on a journey into K-Space and through a selection of the endless possibilities for campaigns.

Elysian Freedom

A Freeya campaign with characters starting as escaped Elysian slaves on one of the less important islands of the Elysian core archipelago. In this setting then, they will have the option to embark on traditional exploration (of the island[s]) and dungeon crawling (of the ancient pre-Elysian and the less ancient Elysian underworlds), but also the ability to pick up on some of the recurring Freeya topics of revolt/ resistance against and political intrigue within the Elysian empire.

Apart from that outline, this is the campaign concept I planned to use for testing a couple of things, mainly marrying Freeya (which has used multiple systems over time, but especially – also seen here on the blog – late editions of D&D) with AD&D and/or ALRIK, and at least one, probably more variations and houserules for random hexmap generation. The latter is also the reason why the above outline is so rough and vague – without having created the island in question, I simply do not yet know what and whom players may encounter there.

Image by S K from Pixabay


  1. Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung von Freeya, muss ich mal, recherchieren.

    Und was hat es mit dem Fortschritt von Beutelschneider auf sich:, sind das jeweils die aktuellen Monster die du in die Sammlung aufnimmst?


    1. Glückwunsch zu Kommentar #666.^^

      Freeya: Im Zweifelsfall den Tag klicken, sind zwar Fragmente (und viel 5E), aber sollte einen Eindruck vermitteln.

      Beutelschneider: Genau, das istcjeweils eine finalisierte Kreatur.


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